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From the offer
From the offer



Though cardboard or paper is usually not felt as very suited for the making of Christmas ornaments, there is a rich tradition in this regard. What had started with chromolithographed scraps or die-cuts on waffles and gingerbreads, was hitting his peak, already before 1900, with the world famous Dresdner Cardboard. Bohemian homeworkers have spun this thread out and developed an independent, more simplified version, known as Bohemian Cardboard. Also, compare the rubric Paper.



Antique Ornaments
15 Items
Nr. Code Preview
(For details click on name!)
1 KA136 Birds on Birds House Birds on Birds House Birds on Birds House US $13.35 
2 KA135 Star Star Star US $33.35 
3 KA132 Star Star Star Sold 
4 KA131 Cornucopia with swallow Cornucopia with swallow Cornucopia with swallow Sold 
5 KA130 Birds in Rosetta Birds in Rosetta Birds in Rosetta Sold 
6 KA129 Star Star Star Sold 
7 KA128 Drum Drum Drum Sold 
8 KA127 Box with Santa Scrap Box with Santa Scrap Box with Santa Scrap Sold 
9 KA126 Described Candybox Described Candybox Described Candybox US $44.45 
10 KA124 Wall Clock Wall Clock Wall Clock Sold 
11 KA122 Sheet with 9 Stars Sheet with 9 Stars Sheet with 9 Stars US $20.00 
12 KA121 2 Sheet with 12 Stars each 2 Sheet with 12 Stars each 2 Sheet with 12 Stars each US $22.20 
13 KA120 Propeller Airplane Propeller Airplane Propeller Airplane Sold 
14 KA118 Church Church Church Sold 
15 KA049 Wind Mill Wind Mill Wind Mill US $22.20 
15 Items

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Star Ariadne’s Thread: The OrnamentAntique Ornaments → Cardboard

1 US$ = 0,90 CHF
Revision 13.3.2019