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From the offer



When decorating your Christmas tree you can do without any kind of ornaments if you like so, but one thing is indispensable: candles. There remains the question of how to fasten them at the tree. Quite a few more or less Daedalean ideas have been produced to solve the problem. I'm presenting here several pretty old adaptations. Some of them are so nice that one really can dispense with other ornaments ...



Antique Ornaments
83 Items
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Nr. Code Preview
(For details click on name!)
51 KH277 Butterfly Candleholder Clip Butterfly Candleholder Clip Butterfly Candleholder Clip Sold 
52 KH274 Butterfly Candleholder Clip Butterfly Candleholder Clip Butterfly Candleholder Clip Sold 
53 KH273 Angel Candleholder Clip Angel Candleholder Clip Angel Candleholder Clip US $64.70 
54 KH271 Pendulum Candleholder with Birds Pendulum Candleholder with Birds Pendulum Candleholder with Birds Sold 
55 KH269 Glass Candleholder on Clip Glass Candleholder on Clip Glass Candleholder on Clip Sold 
56 KH268 Glass Candleholder Glass Candleholder Glass Candleholder Sold 
57 KH267 Clip-on Candleholder with Pair of Birds Clip-on Candleholder with Pair of Birds Clip-on Candleholder with Pair of Birds US $94.10 
58 KH266 Candleholder in Form of a Lantern Candleholder in Form of a Lantern Candleholder in Form of a Lantern Sold 
59 KH265 Pendulum Candleholder with Crescent Moon Pendulum Candleholder with Crescent Moon Pendulum Candleholder with Crescent Moon Sold 
60 KH263 Double Pendulum Candleholder Double Pendulum Candleholder Double Pendulum Candleholder Sold 
61 KH260 Clip-on Candleholder with Santa and Tree Clip-on Candleholder with Santa and Tree Clip-on Candleholder with Santa and Tree Sold 
62 KH258 Pendulum Candleholder with Star Pendulum Candleholder with Star Pendulum Candleholder with Star Sold 
63 KH257 Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Sold 
64 KH256 Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Clip-on Candleholder with Bird Sold 
65 KH255 Clip-on Candleholder with Squirrel Clip-on Candleholder with Squirrel Clip-on Candleholder with Squirrel Sold 
66 KH254 Clip-on Candleholder with Castle Clip-on Candleholder with Castle Clip-on Candleholder with Castle Sold 
67 KH253 Candle clip with hand motiv Candle clip with hand motiv Candle clip with hand motiv Sold 
68 KH252 Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Pendulum Candleholder with Angel US $141.20 
69 KH250 Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Sold 
70 KH249 Double Pendulum Candleholder Double Pendulum Candleholder Double Pendulum Candleholder Sold 
71 KH248 Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Sold 
72 KH246 Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Pendulum Candleholder with Tin Reflectors Sold 
73 KH243 Clown Candleholder Clip Clown Candleholder Clip Clown Candleholder Clip US $52.95 
74 KH238 Clip-on Candleholder with flower Clip-on Candleholder with flower Clip-on Candleholder with flower Sold 
75 KH237 Two Pendulum Candleholders with Clip Two Pendulum Candleholders with Clip Two Pendulum Candleholders with Clip Sold 
76 KH234 Angel Candleholder Clip Angel Candleholder Clip Angel Candleholder Clip Sold 
77 KH214 Lampion Lampion Lampion Sold 
78 KH212 Clip-on Candleholder with Mill Clip-on Candleholder with Mill Clip-on Candleholder with Mill Sold 
79 KH205 Clip-on Candleholder with Angel Clip-on Candleholder with Angel Clip-on Candleholder with Angel Sold 
80 KH200 Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Counterweight Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Counterweight Pendulum Candleholder with Angel Counterweight Sold 
81 KH184 Big Pendulum Candleholder with Star Big Pendulum Candleholder with Star Big Pendulum Candleholder with Star Sold 
82 KH143 Candleholder Clip Candleholder Clip Candleholder Clip US $29.40 
83 KH138 Two Candleholder Clip Two Candleholder Clip Two Candleholder Clip US $52.95 
83 Items
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Star Ariadne’s Thread: The OrnamentAntique Ornaments → Candle­­holders

1 US$ = 0,85 CHF
Revision 13.3.2019