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Sewing Box

From the offer
From the offer


Joint sewing, embroidering, knitting, or tongueing has always provided the opportunity to speak about personal experiences, to talk about private things, in short: to chat out of the sewing box as a German saying goes. It’s not to imagine what stories the many embroideries of my offer could tell if they could speak to us … Here I’m talking a bit out of my own sewing box, in the hope that one or other little thing could be of interest for you.


Flowers on the Way 2

Flowers on the way, again: Some pictures from my summer hiking tours in the Swiss Alps region.
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Picture Sheet 10

Flowers on the Way 2

Garden pottery
Garden pottery
Grown or crocheted
Grown or crocheted
Cactus Dahlias
Cactus Dahlias
Houseleeks on a House
Houseleeks on a House


Autumn crocus
Autumn crocus
Flowers (monkshood) on the way
Flowers (monkshood) on the way
Field Gentian
Field Gentian
Oxeye Daisy
Oxeye Daisy
Devil’s-bit Scabious
Devil’s-bit Scabious
Carline thistle
Carline thistle
Mountain tobacco
Mountain tobacco
Short-Leaved Gentian
Short-Leaved Gentian
Moon Daisy, Marguerite, Chrysantheum
Moon Daisy, Marguerite, Chrysantheum
Fringed Gentians
Fringed Gentians

Bellflower or Campanula rotundifloria
Bellflower or Campanula rotundifloria
Famous Jungfrau and others
Famous Jungfrau and others
Back at home again
Back at home again

Beloved Sebnitz Ornaments

The June edition of the Golden Glow Newsletter, well knonwn to all American Christmas past collectors, features a photos page of Sebnitz ornaments with pictures that I was allowed to provide. At this opportunity, I feel delighted to show here some more examples to people who may be interested therein. A relevant quote from the booklet Of All the Trees Most Lovely! may serve as a short introduction:

A Sebnitz ornament has got its particular non-interchangeable characteristics. The major determining feature is the imaginative use of an inexhaustible abundance of different materials. Stamped-out celluloid-foil, little glass tubes, glass beads, cotton batting, paper, chenille, wax, cardboard, tin-foil, mica, wire, scraps, wood, and even grass and beech nuts’ pods were used to create fanciful ornaments, which can not entirely deny their relationship to artificial flower products. All kinds of subjects where a wax child could be put in had got a preferred status — such as beds, cribs, sleighs, baby-carriages, cradles, baskets, sedan chairs, altars, ships, airplanes, and so on. Since the ornaments had been manufactured by homeworkers’ families with materials to be occasionally on hand, each piece quasi won the status to be unique.

The first 31 pictures show examples from Sebnitz ornaments that were made by means of stamped celluloid-foil, a waste product from the sequin manufacturing. For other pieces plain silver foil was used as is to be seen on 13 more pictures.

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Picture Sheet 9

Beloved Sebnitz Ornaments
Golden Roof Church
Golden Roof Church
Keeper Watching Out From His Lighthouse
Keeper Watching Out From His Lighthouse
Draw Well
Draw Well
Infant in a Cradle
Infant in a Cradle
George Stephenson’s Locomotive with Engineer
George Stephenson’s Locomotive with Engineer
 Thirsty Doves on a Pumped Well
Thirsty Doves on a Pumped Well
House with Flower Decorated Balcony
House with Flower Decorated Balcony
Motor Carriage with Driver and Passenger
Motor Carriage with Driver and Passenger
 Snowman Riding a Horse Buggy
Snowman Riding a Horse Buggy
Spinning Wheel with Distaff
Spinning Wheel with Distaff
Cross-Legged Fox Dressed in a Red Jacket
Cross-Legged Fox Dressed in a Red Jacket
Fruit Basket Decorated with an Angel Scrap
Fruit Basket Decorated with an Angel Scrap
Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Front of
  Grandmother’s House
Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Front of Grandmother’s House
Squirrel Going Sledding
Squirrel Going Sledding
Manger with Infant Jesus and Sheep
Manger with Infant Jesus and Sheep
Horse Pulling a Sled Bed with Baby Inside
Horse Pulling a Sled Bed with Baby Inside
Two Mast Steamboat with Double Chimney
Two Mast Steamboat with Double Chimney
Rickshaw with Jesus Child
Rickshaw with Jesus Child
Mountain Hare Celebrating Christmas in the Woods
Mountain Hare Celebrating Christmas in the Woods
Captain and His Mate Steering a Zeppelin
Captain and His Mate Steering a Zeppelin
Aeroplane Which Resembles the Well-Known Bleriot
  Plane …
Aeroplane Which Resembles the Well-Known Bleriot Plane …
… and a Nice Variation Thereof
… and a Nice Variation Thereof
Christmas Manger, Reduced to the Essential
Christmas Manger, Reduced to the Essential
Baby Awaiting to Be Taken Out in Her Carriage
Baby Awaiting to Be Taken Out in Her Carriage
Boy with Napoleon Hat Visiting the Eiffel Tower
Boy with Napoleon Hat Visiting the Eiffel Tower
Telephone Wall Set
Telephone Wall Set
Eskimo and His Igloo
Eskimo and His Igloo
Three Fledglings and Their Mother Nesting in a Hand
Three Fledglings and Their Mother Nesting in a Hand Cart
Threewheeler Car with Driver
Threewheeler Car with Driver
Portable Cradle Basket
Portable Cradle Basket
Manger with Holy Family, Sheep and the Magi
Manger with Holy Family, Sheep and the Magi
Manger with Jesus Child, Angels and Sheep
Manger with Jesus Child, Angels and Sheep
Manger with Jesus Child Alone
Manger with Jesus Child Alone
Wintery Dressed Child Riding on a Swingboat
Wintery Dressed Child Riding on a Swingboat
Child Sailing in a Canopy Boat
Child Sailing in a Canopy Boat
Child on a Sled
Child on a Sled
Angel Musing in a Small Pavillon
Angel Musing in a Small Pavillon
Potted Flower Plants
Potted Flower Plants
Angel Merry Going Round
Angel Merry Going Round
Baby Softly Lieing in a Four Wheels Carriage
Baby Softly Lieing in a Four Wheels Carriage
Black Forest Clock with Santa Head
Black Forest Clock with Santa Head
Lamb in Pen
Lamb in Pen
Christmas Scene Packed Inside of a Half Silver Egg
Christmas Scene Packed Inside of a Half Silver Egg
Octahedron Shaped Fancy Ornament
Octahedron Shaped Fancy Ornament
An Earlier View of the Silk Flower Town Sebnitz *
An Earlier View of the Silk Flower Town Sebnitz *
* Credits:

My Trees in 2011

Here are some pictures of my kugel ornaments and the feathertrees standing up in our living room at Christmas time in 2011.
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Picture Sheet 8

Kugels and More — in a Different Way
Christmassy Decorated Living Room
Christmassy Decorated Living Room
Kugels at the Window
Kugels at the Window
From the Erzgebirge
From the Erzgebirge
Decoration of the Window Board
Decoration of the Window Board
Santa Again
Santa Again
Snow Babies
Snow Babies
A Heubach Santa
A Heubach Santa
A Curtain Made From Kugels
A Curtain Made From Kugels
Feather Tree #1, …
Feather Tree #1, …
… Richly, …
… Richly, …
… Very Richly Decorated
… Very Richly Decorated
Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood
Cock and More
Cock and More
Puss'n Boots
Puss'n Boots
Dancing Girl
Dancing Girl
Butterfly with Glass Candleholder
Butterfly with Glass Candleholder
My First Christmas Ornament
My First Christmas Ornament
A Cock Between Two Girls
A Cock Between Two Girls
Puss 'n Boots, Once Again
Puss 'n Boots, Once Again
Kate Greenaway
Kate Greenaway
Feather Tree #2 (Miniatures)
Feather Tree #2 (Miniatures)
Miniatures #1
Miniatures #1
Miniatures #2
Miniatures #2
Miniatures #3
Miniatures #3
Miniatures #4
Miniatures #4
Miniatures #5
Miniatures #5
Miniatures #6
Miniatures #6
Erzgebirge Angels
Erzgebirge Angels
Feather Tree #3 (Dresden) …
Feather Tree #3 (Dresden) …
… Shows Its Backside Here
… Shows Its Backside Here
Dresden Ornaments #1
Dresden Ornaments #1
Dresden Ornaments #2
Dresden Ornaments #2
Dresden Ornaments #3
Dresden Ornaments #3
Dresden Ornaments #4
Dresden Ornaments #4

Flowers on the Way

Flowers on the way: Pictures from a hiking day in Central Switzerland.
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Picture Sheet 7

Flowers on the Way


Ornamental Trees

Trees on the way: Pictures from my hiking holiday in Southern Tyrolia.
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Picture Sheet 6

Mother Nature is Decorating Her Trees with Beauty, Too


My Tree in 2008

Here are some pictures of the tree standing up in our living room at Christmas time in 2008.
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Picture Sheet 5

Turning Tree (While Playing Christmas Carols)
The Tree with Turning Stand
The Tree with Turning Stand
Sebnitz Watering Trough
Sebnitz Watering Trough
Cat in Boots
Cat in Boots
Heubach #1
Heubach #1
Dutch Girl
Dutch Girl
Chinese Rooster
Chinese Rooster
Tree Turned
Tree Turned
Heubach #2
Heubach #2
Clown Head
Clown Head
Colorful Bird
Colorful Bird
Heubach #3
Heubach #3
Fly Agaric Couple
Fly Agaric Couple
Tree Turned More
Tree Turned More
Cage Bird
Cage Bird
Steam Locomotive
Steam Locomotive
Zeppelin Airship
Zeppelin Airship
Tree Turned Even More
Tree Turned Even More
Circus Poodle
Circus Poodle
Heubach #4
Heubach #4
Spectacled Monkey
Spectacled Monkey
Flying Angel
Flying Angel
Art Glass Deer
Art Glass Deer

Christmas Collectors Fair 2008

The annual Christmas Collectors Fair in Zurich, held traditionally at the beginning of December, was a great event for enthusiasts of old Christmas ornaments in this year, too, despite of the economically difficult time. Here are some pictures from around my stand as presented in 2008. They were taken on the second last day of the event and show what has been left of my offer.

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Picture Sheet 4

Booth 4.002 in Hall 4
Booth 4.002 in Hall 4
Booth 4.002 in Hall 4
Stand Owner
Stand Owner
Active Visit
Active Visit
Wide Range of Ornaments …
Wide Range of Ornaments …
… by closer inspection
… by closer inspection
Eye Catcher: Kugels
Eye Catcher: Kugels
Cotton Ornaments
Cotton Ornaments
From the Erzgebirge
From the Erzgebirge
Heads Wanted?
Heads Wanted?
Father Christmas' House
Father Christmas' House
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Exquisite Selection
Exquisite Selection
Dresden Cardboard
Dresden Cardboard
Winged Items
Winged Items
Eight Dollars a Piece Box
Eight Dollars a Piece Box
Figures of All Kind
Figures of All Kind
Kugels Wherever You look
Kugels Wherever You look
Colourful Glass Ornaments
Colourful Glass Ornaments
Sebnitz Corner
Sebnitz Corner
Guess who it is! (Ask Craig)
Guess who it is! (Ask Craig)
Press Coverage *
Press Coverage *
* Don’t believe all what you read in newspapers: My small, beloved collection is by far not the biggest in Switzerland as (wrongly) stated in the cutout!

Golden Fall

From my hiking holidays in Tyrolia I brought along some pictures of trees that are almost so lovely and beautiful as our beloved Christmas tree.

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Picture Sheet 3

Golden Fall
Please Enter
Please Enter
Symphony of Colors
Symphony of Colors
Saint George Chapel
Saint George Chapel
Colorful Hedge
Colorful Hedge
Pure Gold
Pure Gold
Bernegg Castle
Bernegg Castle
Through Colorful Wood …
Through Colorful Wood …
… on Pilgrim’s Path …
… on Pilgrim’s Path …
… to the Church of Cold Fountain
… to the Church of Cold Fountain
Wood Pile Poetry
Wood Pile Poetry
Pleasure Hiking
Pleasure Hiking
Larches in Autumn Robe
Larches in Autumn Robe
Beutelbach, That is Bag Creek
Beutelbach, That is Bag Creek
Panorama Pulpit
Panorama Pulpit
Cherry Tree in Flames
Cherry Tree in Flames
Rose Hips
Rose Hips
Swinging Over the Fence
Swinging Over the Fence
Via Claudia Augusta
Via Claudia Augusta

Christmas Collectors Fair 2006

The annual Christmas Collectors Fair in Zurich, held traditionally at the beginning of December, is a great event for enthusiasts of old Christmas ornaments. Here are some pictures from around my stand as presented last year (2006).

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Picture Sheet 2

Zurich Christmas Collectors’ Fair 2006
Door Opening on Thursday
Door Opening on Thursday
Waiting for Entrance
Waiting for Entrance
Before the Rush
Before the Rush
First Visitors
First Visitors
Glass Ornaments
Glass Ornaments
Eye Catcher in Blue
Eye Catcher in Blue
Christmas Ornaments as Far as You Look
Christmas Ornaments as Far as You Look
Kugels, My Special Focus
Kugels, My Special Focus
Rich Choice of Christmas Books
Rich Choice of Christmas Books
Quiet Scene Aside with Feathertree
Quiet Scene Aside with Feathertree
Colorful World of Christmas
Colorful World of Christmas
My Humble Self, Laughing
My Humble Self, Laughing

Elztal Museum

Though my personal collection of antique Christmas ornaments isn’t that extensive, I feel honoured that in winter 2003/04 I was allowed to show my treasures in the Elztal Museum in Waldkirch. That’s a pleasant small German town in the Black Forest, not far from Freiburg (Breisgau). The following sheet of pictures, taken on the occasion of a visit there, is dedicated to the wonderful and engaged people of the museum, and I would like to add a heartful thank you to all of them.

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Picture Sheet 1

A Winter Excursion to a Black Forest Valley
River Elz near Waldkirch
River Elz near Waldkirch
Church Square
Church Square
Entrance to the Elztal Museum
Entrance to the Elztal Museum
Christmas Trees
Christmas Trees
Part of the Exposition
Part of the Exposition
Glass Ornaments
Glass Ornaments
Gablonz Ornaments
Gablonz Ornaments
Children Books
Children Books
Cotton Items
Cotton Items
Feather Tree
Feather Tree
Candle Boxes
Candle Boxes
Last Look Backwards
Last Look Backwards
Town Church
Town Church
Market Square
Market Square
Goodbye to Waldkirch
Goodbye to Waldkirch
Star Ariadne’s Thread: The Ornament → Sewing Box

1 US$ = 0,90 CHF
Revision 13.3.2019