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Shopping Cart

From the offer
From the offer


My Shopping Cart
Pos Code Image Item Var 1 Var 2 Quant. Price Amount Modify
… is empty


Articles you intend to order are collected in the Shopping Cart. If you have wrongly put an item into the cart you can get rid of it by pushing the corresponding button Delete, while the other button Modify, if offered, lets you correct your input if need be. (If the cart is empty you can’t see neither of them). Empty Cart does what it says. Activating Catalogue brings you back to the category of the last item, allowing to add more items to the shopping cart.

When you are satisfied with the content of your cart, please complete your order by filling out the address form you will get by pushing Check out. In a rather improbable case you could loose items you’ve already put in the cart because another, simultaneous customer ordered them checking out before you did.

Note that all calculations are made in Swiss Francs and resulting amounts are converted into US dollars. So minimal discrepancies may appear.

For the payment of an order please use one of the possibilities mentioned more below or on the contact page.



Please also note the following sale conditions:

  1. Each order has to be paid in advance.
  2. Please use a check for payment if total amount exceeds US $120.00, and send it to my address, or use PayPal (recipient’s email: Please ask if you want to send a money order.
  3. The price of an object does not include shipping, package and insurance charges. In most cases the total will not exceed US $18.50 for priority shipping to U.S. I warmly advice to combine payment and shipping to reduce costs if possible.
  4. I will reserve an ordered item for two weeks. If payment doesn’t arrive within that time I’m allowed to relist and resell it. Based on explicit agreement this time may be extended (e.g. for combining shipping).
Star Ariadne’s Thread: The Ornament → Shopping Cart

1 US$ = 0,90 CHF
Revision 13.3.2019